01 Pardes the Garden, Writing Pen, Kebayoran, Jakarta, Sunday, October 1st 1989 02 The Way of the Heart, Writing Pen, Kebayoran, Jakarta, Sunday, October 1st 1989 03 Via Solitaria, Writing Pen, Kebayoran, Jakarta, Sunday, October 1st 1989 **************************************************************************************
01 Pardes the GardenInspired by the experiences of Findhorn Garden Encouraged by the study of the Kabbala Where Pardes of the Garden of God is discussed I began to walk to find another garden Where I could meet myself and my God And once there to hold a communion An act of sharing in common with all Participating in the celebration of life With many forms, patterns, and thoughts That emanated for the sake of all From the God beyond, the God within This went on till in the silence of the moment I found my true self which was of old As I stood in wonder in the garden of my heart
The garden called Eden where Adam lived Is also known by the name of Pardes It is the place where the triangular communion Between God, nature, and mankind occurs Of old it was the place where man began To think of his existence and purpose And in all humility proclaimed:
I live, therefore I am … I move, therefore I am … I know, therefore I am I think, therefore I am …I unite, therefore I am … I love, therefore I am
For man came to realize how wonderful it was That through revelation and through his own effort He understood that he was one in communion With all vegetation growing on earth With all animals roaming the earth With all other men existing on earth With all the suns, moons and stars of the universe With the Almighty God whose language is love
This understanding was imprinted within his heart Even when he had to leave Pardes out of his disobedience Even when it grew dimmed through years of separation Even when it was forgotten as civilization developed
He may not see it clearly, for it is not there now He may not believe it, for it cannot be owned He may not realize it, for it has now been forgotten And yet in his restless years of living he knows That there is something God has given him Which he has to recover, which he has to attain For it will be his only means for growing up To be the person and creature he was intended To be the crown of the universe, the Prince of Life
If only he could find his way back to Pardes To once again hold the sacred communion And celebrate the joy of living with others If only he could realize how it really was That the garden did not disappear entirely That it was withdrawn though not taken That it was with-held though not disolved Pardes is still within and around him
Come ! Find your way to Pardes the garden To once again hold communion and celebrate life! (Writing Pen) (H1/01/10/1989)
There is a place called Linggamurti, Which they claim to be a reflection of my country There is another place called Giri, Which they claimto be a manifestation of the world Places held in reverence for there a holy man had lived, And prayed and meditated unceasingly Places his followers believe contain great, Mysterious, miraculous, And amazing powers And it is to these places They direct their thoughts, ideas, and affectionate feelings
These places, called Linggamurti and Giri, are so special to me Because the holy man had walked there And chose them to be the places where he loved And later others had also come after him, And with him, to build in compassion, to create in love So divine, natural and human energies Met and became one for the sake of truth
But most companions have often lost their track For this journey is a movement rather than a travelling A process rather than a pilgrimage to places What a waste it is to burden oneself with other souls What a troublesome task it is to take others with oneself
Give toys to those who desire breakable toys Provide wine to them who enjoy parties But never invite them to the Via Solitaria Since it is one's own and has been given to no one else
Go on my soul, forward, never to retreat Be yourself, on your own, as your heart desires (Writing Pen) (H1/01/10/1989)
Who is your companion, what is a companion Why are you with her and what for Who decided that you should be married Bonded by a contract, ritual and convention Answer honestly with the force of your heart!
Do you think it is worth the while to sacrifice freedom So that happiness becomes almost like a reality Which is more dear to your own personal self A warm family life or a brave but lonely life
To the one who is able to see with a hidden eye Such questions are meaningless and inconsequential Because whichever way it will be, he is always alone (Writing Pen) (H1/01/10/1989)
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