18 Righteousness

01 My Word  02 My Bond



01 My Word

‘Dictum et pactum,’ my word is my bond,

So said the old ones to earn their praises,

And by doing so secured their places,

Through posterity, and perhaps beyond.

Perfect attitude from ways that have gone,

Disposed and buried in mundane phrases.

Often used lightly, in many cases,

Now unto these words no one could hold on.

Perhaps one should cry or sadly lament,                     

For the good old days and their graciousness        

By which in good faith, promises were made,           Righteousness

To last till the time of their fulfilment,                                        Soneta 053

For words are empty without usefulness,                               Petrarca

When lies and deceipts govern human trade                       AD 2003  



02 My Bond

‘Dictum et pactum,’ the truth is spoken,

With words that command goodly intentions,

And wishes to thwart evil contention,

Which may so erupt should pacts be broken.

In faith promises are humbly given,

To keep and honour with satisfaction,

Knowing that this path of gracious action,

Would always lead to the rule of reason.

                                          Truly one should rise to embrace the way,

                                             Which furthers the cause of manly conduct,

On Righteousness                    Before one forgets what is wrong and right,  

Soneta 054                         Through one’s heartless games in the market play.

Petrarca                                Only then the soul would remain intact

AD 2003                                   To shine so grandly with one’ righteous might 



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