033 Siti Nuraini (1931)

01 Love Letter


01 Love Letter

Sunrays turn into clouds, chase away the colour’s play  

  The shout, the paddle of oars; thunders rumble turns into rain
    Trees shelter pushcarts, children and deer scatter

  On the rooftops of Lembang the monotony of endless rain

      Hushed by the strangling fog whose abode, the sea’s unknown

        Stepping onto continent’s edge, almost treading the moon,

          The facile transplant of heart and cornea

      Our pulses throb in accord, more as one in tone 

            Shadows with an anchor’s strength; a distance within reach

              The Chaos of terminals, the unrest of footsteps

                Resemble our own stammering each time we part

                   So many underground stations, so many airports

                      Resounding our pronouncement, so definite,

                          Space unlimited in our hands, eternity ours together


Surat Kasih by Siti Nuraini  

Translation by John M. Mc Glynn



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