First Reading : Conception of Reality
Reality is essentially fluid, nothing is completely fixed, and all are actual patterns in constant motion, since the universe is a truly vast and inseparable web of dynamic activity, which is alive and constantly changing
The great universe, at its primary level, is a boundless sea of energy, which permeates every object and act, and where everything affects everything else, since all things are integrated within that vast energy system
The universe, the nature of reality, and our thinking process are holographic, since the whole is contained and reflected in each one of its parts, therefore we live in one integrated, synchronized, and unified living system
In the universe we are not really separate, but part of the One Life, therefore our inspiration, prayer, and intuition will also naturally follow cosmic patterns and laws, hich we an discover and use to our benefit
The mind creates its own reality, since its activity is a creative process, which can also help us to direct the same energies that hold matter together, change water into steam, or cause a seed to sprout and grow
Consciousness, which resides in our thinking process, is energy in its purest, finest, most dynamic, and most creative form, and therefore possesses the ability
to construct reality, through its directed application
Our positive thoughts will create positive reality, while our negative thoughts will create negative reality : This is the law of life and the way of the universe, by which all things in life are continuously organized
( The Path of Emanation )
Second Reading : Consciousness of Man
Inner reality is the world of thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, while outer reality is the world of people, places, and events : Our aim is to enable the inner world to direct the outer world, rather than merely reacting to it
Our inner consciousness is an influential and powerful force, with an immense amount of capacity, since it is a purely innate energy, which can move every thought in our minds to find its manifestation in the outer world
The repetition of a thought turns a weak and scattered force into a strong and concentrated one, generating either a constructive or destructive result, depending on whether the thought itself is positive or negative
The growth of the human self must be achieved with will power and iron discipline, through the cultivation of the mind, which will make it fertile for powerful, appropriate, and positive consciousness to grow in
In order to change our adverse situation and condition, we have to change our adverse thoughts, primarily by generating a consciousness which is oriented
towards health, abundance, prosperity, and happiness
In order to attain what we want, we have to change our thinking, from merely wishing for something to strongly desiring it, by additionally supporting it with an ever - increasing sense of belief and expectancy
Considering that our minds will always, and forever, be creating our reality, we must consciously get our minds to work for us, rather than ignorantly allowing them to work in ways that will hinder and hold us back
( The Path of Cultivation )
Third Reading : Vision of Success
We should be conscious of anything we do, since changes at present taking place determine what we will become, in the same way that our past thoughts, and consequences, determined what we have now become
We have to accept our present conditions, however adverse, instead of pretending or feeling sorry for ourselves, before all the positive changes, from our daily practice of mind - power, might gradually happen
We have to be consistent with our daily practice, and ignore any negative thoughts, since change is a cumulative process, for which vision, perseverance, understanding, and commitment will be highly required
We have to acknowledge problems as an important and valuable part of our lives, and to understand their significance, in order to turn every situation into an opportunity, which may beneficially serve our purpose
We have to open ourselves up and explore our problems, in a comprehensive manner, to look for any possible information, since definite messages and signals, from
the universe, often come to us in the form of problems
We have to carry out our regular practice, with a growing sense of expectation, in order to motivate ourselves for the attainment of success, since all of our future experiences are dynamically alive
within us now
We shall encourage our lives, by experiencing the infinite possibilities and eternal consequences of thought training, since development of the self is a calling as well as a commandment, and a choice as well as a responsibility
(The Path of Motivation)
Fourth Reading : Projection of Reality
Creative visualization involves working with natural laws and energies, and hence with a force that directs our innate power, on the basis of which a possible future may be created, through its constant picturing in our minds
We can effectively project the future by thinking, creating, characterizing, energizing, and experiencing a desired event in our minds, while regularly nourished any associated thought, until the final results are produced
We can alternately practice precise and free - flowing visualization, repetitively, with a predetermined set of pictures, and a free flow of any images and thoughts, as long as they are positively related to our specific goal
Regular practice, over an extended period of time, will allow for constant imprinting, of an image, to gradually clear any doubts, or contradictory thoughts, and thereby making our visualized goal more clearly in all of its details
Seeding describes feelings, which are added to accompany our mental pictures, in a process of visualisation, in order to bring in the physical sense of achievement we are after, as if we have received it now
Seeding, in visualization exercise, is actually an act of claiming what we want, in the inner world, which is the world of thought and energy, where a very powerful process towards fulfilment may be initiated
We have to trust the process, throughout all the combined exercises of seeding and visualization, in the consistent belief that when we regularly open up, opportunities will also correspondingly open up
(The Path of Imagination)
Fifth Reading : Words of Encouragement
An affirmation is a simple statement, which is frequently repeated to ourselves, in order to influence our minds, and support our desire, by allowing them to pick - up its message content, and over - all implications for the self
An affirmation is effectively powerful in itself, since positive words are constantly and gradually absorbed into our minds, therefore we must always be on guard against any unconscious use of a negative affirmation
Our minds can focus better with a shorter, simpler, more precise and meaningful composition of words, in an affirmation, since it will allow for easy and constant repetition, as well as fuller comprehensive internalization
Acknowledging is done to maintain a success vibration, from our past and present achievements, identifiable areas of strength, and specific positive qualities, with the purpose of energizing our minds for some future goals
We should therefore create good feelings, by making a long list of our positive qualities and capabilities, which will in turn generate positive vibrations, for us to form a strong mental foundation of our future success
We need to feed our minds by working with thought -energy, getting involved in our lives, acknowledging our qualities, and believing in ourselves, since our success vibration will also attract more success energy for us
We should always confidently acknowledge that as we create consciousness, the same consciousness will create reality, thus our affirmations should always be directed towards the achievement of a successful life
( The Path of Affirmation )
Sixth Reading : Imprinting of Beliefs
Many beliefs, which produce worry, negative, or limiting suggestions, have been acquired through our up - bringing and experiences, and unconsciously used against ourselves, often with an adversely negative consequence
Since our sub - conscious minds and our life experiences are directly connected, our minds tend to absorb, and truly accept, negative beliefs and suggestions, which may consequently be used to bring their corresponding reality
We have to carefully select what we want to believe, since there is a tendency in ourselves to see strong evidence in life, which may negatively supports a mistaken belief already imprinted in our sub - conscious minds
A new and positive belief must be voluntarily planted in our sub - conscious minds, through a constant and repetitive program of imprinting, in order to focus our minds towards a changed and improved reality
We need to identify our limiting beliefs, usually associated with some difficult aspects of our lives, and place against each of them a newer and more supportive belief, by imprinting them repetitively into our sub - conscious minds
Since every belief needs time and attention, before it can flourish, we have to impress into our minds only one or two new beliefs, over a significant period of time, through regular and constant effort of repetition
During the germination period we should try to make a new belief feel so real, and ignore any ideas to the contrary, while it is being mentally imprinted, through a combination of affirmation and contemplation
( The Path of Transformation )
Seventh Reading : Focus of Action
Concentration is an act of focusing our whole attention, on a particular object, until we become conscious of nothing else, since all things have consequently become one, with the object of our directed attention
Contemplation is a concentrated thinking activity, by which we may break through the visible surface of things, and look beyond mere appearance, in order to explore their deeper meaning and implication
The conscious acts of concentrating and contemplating require diligent practice, as well as great patience, through a total dedication of effort, which involves every single faculty of the human body, mind, and spirit
The contemplation of a particular theme should be preceded, with a preliminary concentration, on the material containing it, until we become wholly absorbed, in the deep mental processing of our inner thoughts
Contemplation requires a gentle and firm control of the mind, and involves creative questioning and probing, with continuous dismissal of all irrelevant thoughts, and consistent enquiry, through a sequential thinking process
By disciplining the mind we can develop our powers of concentration, which will enable us to deepen and enrich our understanding of the mind processes, in order to use them in our natural path of self - development
When we have contemplated all aspects of our training, and understood their significance, we shall be ready to live more effectively, through a greater degree of reliance on our expanded natural abilities
( The Path of Observation )
[BeN Poetica] - [Book of Adam]