07 Ancient Migration 01 Sea Exodus 02 Island Paradise ****************************************************************************************************
01 Sea Exodus Behold the bright star in the southern sky Beckoning us all to pack up and go For soon we shall hear a strange battle cry From those invaders, our hated foes They will enslave us, that much we should know Forcing us to work without fair payment Until we all fall and could cry no more Too broken to voice our discontent Surely this is not the life we intend To be in bondage like tamed animals In anguish hearing our own laments Ancient Migration For freedom long gone that none may recall Soneta 019 Prepare hence the boats and take to the sea Spenseria Let us go away that we may be free AD 2002 [Back]
Good sons of the waves, daughters of the sea Having braved the storms, let us keep sailing For at journey’s end quite soon we shall see Another homeland warmly welcoming There we shall reclaim the joy of living By building our lives that have been ruined There shall we restore the art of loving By re-living dreams which have been shattered This new home would be like a world promised By the Ancient One of the ancient days Ancient Migration A seed from heaven here on earth planted Soneta 020 To empower life in its myriad ways Spenseria To the blessed isle now we direct our course! (D4/03/04/2002) Towards Paradise, go without remorse! [Back]
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